Are you interested in what are the map trends of 2020?
Read how our product manager Jaroslav Poláček, who was asked the same question by the editors of the professional American portal GISCafe, sees it.

“What are the trends for 2020? I admit that I was pleased when the most prestigious geospatial portal from the US approached me to think with several other professionals about the trends of 2020 for their 115,000 readers.
Personally, I see a trend in the use of maps at managerial levels. But I don’t mean maps from Seznam or Google – they are also maps, but they are designed to take us down the blue to Ještěd or show the company’s headquarters on the website in the Contact section.
Maps for managers I mean real management maps, which are about:
– business
– business potential
– new customers
– measuring the activity of traders
– risk
– competition
..and that’s a big difference from regular tourist maps.
Studies show that only 4 out of 100 companies survive the first 10 years. The successful ones usually pay attention to the evaluation of business data. Importantly, 80% of this data has spatial information and can be displayed and evaluated in management maps.
This means great information opportunities and growth for all organizations. That’s why Corpis Maps management maps are my 2020 trend.”

You can read the whole article in the original below: